Freedom Yoga

Anxiety Workshop at The Ryland Centre, Bromsgrove

Have you been feeling anxious recently?
Then come and join me on the 29th June for a relaxing and calming workshop focusing on Stress and Anxiety and how to manage it in todays crazy world.

The class will be packed with practical tools which you will be able to take away and use in your day-to-day life and will consist of:

  • Information about the nature of thoughts and how to detach from them
  • Information on the nervous system and breathwork techniques to help relax the body.
  • Moevemnt techniques to help relax and calm the body
  • A guided relaxation and progessive muscles relaxation to help you release and let go.

  • If you’ve been feeling off balance, had problems with your eyesight, brain fog, fatigue, digestive issues, tension headaches or you’re even just feeling anxious about the world in general at the moment (I wouldn’t blame you!) then this is the workshop for you.

    I will help to equip you with the tools you need to feel stronger, calmer and more in control of your inner world allowing you to better face the external world.

    Places are £35 and booking up fast! Email me on: to book your spot today.